On The Death Of History
It is evident that the value and possibility of apprehending truth are rapidly decaying. That truth lacked value for most is nothing new – that most acknowledge this to be the case is a revolution.
Certainty was always impossible. To be human is to be uncertain. But the secular world depends on our faith in appearances.
The king is only as regal as he is spectacular: the glitter and pomp and music and costumes distinguish him from the pauper.
With the advent of the zoetrope, a pea-sized lump emerged on the pancreas of history. It grew and metastasized for over a century. Now we have YouTube. Artificial intelligence will soon be ubiquitous.
History is terminal:
Soon, no fact will be verifiable. A recording of flesh-and-blood people will be indistinguishable from its computer-generated imitation.
The Last Sitcom will be born.